--- Comment #2 from Lexi Winter <***> ---
33368 find CALL write(0x1,0x28240d651000,0x1e)
33368 find GIO fd 1 wrote 30 bytes
33368 find RET write 30/0x1e
33368 find CALL
33368 find NAMI ".."
33368 find RET open 5
33368 find CALL fstat(0x5,0x267590a00240)
33368 find STRU struct stat {dev=687931149, ino=34, mode=040700, nlink=6,
uid=10020, gid=10006, rdev=0, atime=1740008641.500888000,
mtime=1730971526.664459000, ctime=1740008836.602277000,
birthtime=1730971526.664459000, size=18, blksize=4096, blocks=17, flags=0x800 }
33368 find RET fstat 0
33368 find CALL close(0x5)
33368 find RET close 0
33368 find CALL write(0x2,0x2675909ffb80,0x6)
33368 find GIO fd 2 wrote 6 bytes
"find: "
the device is (as expected) different from when it first opened the directory:
33368 find CALL statfs(0x28240d644000,0x28240d63a058)
33368 find NAMI "/home/ft"
33368 find RET statfs 0
33368 find CALL fstat(0x5,0x267590a00170)
33368 find STRU struct stat {dev=18446744072887533315, ino=7,
mode=040755, nlink=3, uid=0, gid=0, rdev=0, atime=1740015874.694741010,
mtime=1740015874.694741010, ctime=1740015874.694741010,
birthtime=1740015874.694741010, size=512, blksize=4096, blocks=1, flags=0x0 }
i suspect this trips the check in fts.c:fts_safe_changedir():
if (p->fts_dev != sb.st_dev || p->fts_ino != sb.st_ino) {
errno = ENOENT; /* disinformation */
ret = -1;
goto bail;
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